Nau mai, haere mai ki hahi mihinaare Waimea
Welcome to the Anglican Church in Richmond
We are an Anglican Church at the heart of Tasman in the evangelical Diocese of Nelson.
As a local church in the Anglican tradition we build all of our faith on God’s Word, the Bible. Hearing God speak to us through it is the heartbeat of our life together. It proclaims God’s love, mercy and forgiveness and gives us life-changing hope.
At all of our services we hear the Bible read and taught, pray together and reflect on God’s amazing love for us, shown in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We share in the Lord’s Supper at one of our services every week.
Holy Trinity, Richmond
Sunday | 10:30am
WeeklyThis service is recognisably Anglican in format and holds together traditional and contemporary elements. We learn from the Bible, sing hymns and modern songs, pray and draw one another on in faith. During this service we also have a ministry to children.
Holy Trinity, Richmond
Sunday | 9:00am
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
(excl. holiday break)The 9am Service has it’s final gathering on Sunday 15th December. After an extended break it will then resume again on 19th Feb 2025
Holy Trinity, Richmond
Wednesday | 10:00am
Weekly (excl. holiday break)The last Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday 18th December before closing doen for a month. They will recommence on Wednesday 15th January 2025.
St Albans, Appleby
Sunday | 10:30am
2nd and 4th Sundays of the monthThis intimate country church share the Lord’s Supper once a month, and also use the New Zealand Prayer Book for services.
We want to see people following Jesus more closely; through hearing His Word the Bible, talking to Him in prayer, and using our lives to serve Him in acts of compassion as we share the Good News of Jesus with everyone we know.