We are a local church who want use our lives to serve God in acts of compassion as we share the Good News of Jesus with everyone we know.
We are an Anglican Church at the heart of Tasman in the evangelical Diocese of Nelson. As a local church in the Anglican tradition we build all of our faith on God’s Word, the Bible. Hearing God speak to us through it is the heartbeat of our life together. It proclaims God’s love, mercy and forgiveness and gives us life-changing hope.
We follow Jesus and build community in the power of God’s Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is changing the hearts of everyone who believes in Jesus to be more like Him as God’s word, the Bible, is brought alive in our lives.
We want every person in our church to be building community with each other, as we share in the Christian life together. We want to build community with people in every other part of our lives (work, clubs, school, retirement villages) as we hope to introduce the people we meet to God.
Everyone is welcome at Holy Trinity and St Alban’s regardless of your background or belief. We believe in a loving God who welcomes everyone who seeks Him, and who transforms all of us, by the work of His Holy Spirit, into the image and likeness of Jesus.
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