New here?
We are a local church who want use our lives to serve God in acts of compassion as we share the Good News of Jesus with everyone we know.
What time do I need to turn up?
At Holy Trinity we have a Traditional Prayer Book Service at 9:0am on the 1st and 3rd Sunday, and we meet every Sunday at 10:30am for an all age service.
At St Alban’s we meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month and start at 10:30am.
It’s always a good idea to come a bit early (around 5-10 minutes), then you can say hi to a few people, find a seat and get to know us.
Holy Trinity is at 27 Dorset St Richmond, and St Alban’s is at 410 Appleby Highway. There is plenty of parking at both church locations.
At Holy Trinity we have four designated accessible parking spots. One is near the side door to the church (which also has a ramp so is wheelchair, or pram friendly), one is near the big ‘front doors’ to the church, and two are on the top carpark - drive around past the church and you’ll see them on your left. Both of the entrances at Holy Trinity have handrails. We have a hearing loop installed in the church building, and in the church hall there is a wheelchair accessible toilet.
Generally our services are around an hour and fifteen minutes. Then we gather for a cup of tea or coffee. If you want to stick around for that we’d love to meet you.
We aren’t a huge church, which is great for anyone with social-anxiety, or who wants to build deeper relationships in a church community. Usually we have between 60-70 adults, and just under a dozen kids.
Nothing special. There is no special dress code for church.
Not at all. During our services we take a collection to support the work of the church, but this is for our members. There is no expectation or obligation for visitors to give unless they really want to.
The most consistent way to give is by direct credit. You can set up an automatic payment to Nelson Diocesan Synod Richmond 06 0705 0360452 000
At the 10:30am service at Holy Trinity the kids start their time in the service, and stay for the first ten to fifteen minutes. There is usually a kid’s slot for them in the service, and then they head out to the kid’s programme in the church hall.