Our Team

  • Zane Elliott

    Zane Elliott - Senior Minister

    Zane and Karen Elliott have two children, William and Amelia, and one greyhound called Hawk.

    Zane started ministry as the Senior Minister in April 2021 after his family returned to New Zealand from missionary work in Indonesia.

    He loves to see God working ‘everyday miracles’ in the small ways God changes and shapes hearts and lives in His people as they apply the Bible’s teaching to their lives. He spent eight years as a chaplain in the New Zealand Army, and used to sell wine for a living.

    Zane serves on a school Board of Trustees, and enjoys geocaching, firewood collecting and classic British motorcycles.

  • Jean Palmer - Assistant Minister

    Jean is a voluntary assistant minister, and is married to John. They emigrated to New Zealand from the UK in 1991.

    She blesses our church community by giving her time to a range of ministries. She has oversight of our Wednesday congregation and prayer ministry, and she encourages us to think about how we can care for God’s creation.

    Jean enjoys gardening, reading and contributes to women’s theological education.

  • Sarah Geiger - Seniors Ministry Coordinator

    Sarah is married to Eric, and mum to three children. Sarah is trained nurse, and has worked in aged care, and hospital settings.

    She is responsible for enabling our older people to exercise their gifts and ministries as they age. She is a core person in our pastoral care network and also leads the Lunch on the Hill Team. Sarah encourages intergenerational interactions in the life of our church. She enjoys reading.


  • portrait of bek whiteside

    Bek Whiteside - Church Administrator

    Bek oversees the smooth running of the many and varied administrative needs of the parish. She is often the first port of call for inquiries.

    When she isn’t hard at work in the office she runs 'Scrap Happy' scrapbooking workshops, enjoys photography, walking her dog, and hanging out with her husband Mark and three teenage children.

  • Office Volunteers

    We also have a team of office volunteers who help with the smooth running of the parish by giving their time to answer the phones, answer email, and assist with general queries. Barb, Margaret, Evelin and Barbara are often the first smiling faces you’ll see in the church office. Karen helps with some printing and design work behind the scenes.

Churchwardens and Vestry

  • Val Whyte - Vicar’s Warden

    Val was appointed as Zane’s warden in 2023. She has considerable experience at all levels of the Anglican Church, and was key to assessing the damage to church buildings in the Diocese of Christchurch after the devastating earthquakes in 2011. She has worked in accounting and is dedicated to community service through the Lioness movement. Val is married to Eric.

  • Steve Perris - People's Warden

    Steve was elected in 2024 and provides a link between parishioners and the senior leadership team. 

    Steve is a life-long follower of Jesus, who has always been part of Anglican Churches. He has extensive governance experience having served on the Boards of NZCMS, Anglican Missions, and the Nelson Diocesan Trust Board. 

  • Vestry

    The Parish of Richmond is led by the vestry, comprised of the senior minister, churchwardens, and elected vestry members. The vestry meets once a month to consider governance issues and support the senior minister in setting direction for the parish. Members of the staff team are also invited to attend vestry meetings from time to time.