At all of our services we hear the Bible read and taught, pray together and reflect on God’s amazing love for us, shown in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We share in the Lord’s Supper at one of our services every week.
Holy Trinity, Richmond
Sunday 9:00am
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
This is a traditional service and uses the New Zealand Prayer Book. We sing favourite hymns supported by our choir. We share the Lord’s Supper every second week at this service. Expect to see the minister and choir in robes, and our many faithful older people at this service. After this service we share morning tea.
Sunday 10:30am
This service is a little less traditional than our 9am service, but still recognisably Anglican in format, and holds together traditional and contemporary elements. We learn from the Bible, sing hymns and modern songs, pray and draw one another on in faith. We welcome children, and there is ministry to them at this service. We share morning tea after the service.
Wednesday 10:00am
This is a smaller weekly service which follows the format of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. We don’t sing at this service, and share the Lord’s Supper every week. We enjoy Morning tea together after this service.
St Albans, Appleby
Sunday 10:30am
2nd and 4th Sundays of the month
This intimate country church share the Lord’s Supper once a month, and also use the New Zealand Prayer Book for services. After the service there is a cup of tea and a chance to connect with each other.
Join Online
We have content online which you can listen to here or on your podcast platform of choice. You can also watch a sermon video or full service on our YouTube channel.